Column 1

Column 1

Relaxing touch
Colleague has been told of a few local massage therapists/masseurs around town, some of them locally trained meri, who can make one go to sleep before one counts to 10, and wake up an hour or so later fully relaxed and refreshed. Good SME too.
Sex exposé
One of our fellow Melanesian nations has been rocked by a sex scandal involving Catholic priests and young boys. The expose by Radio NZ’s journalist Barbara Dreaver mentions at least another Melanesia nation.
Breeding place
The impromptu informal market set up by vendors at Unagi Oval in Gordon, Port Moresby is already shaping up as a potential breeding ground for petty thieves and pests.
Taxi trip
If you and the taxi driver do not know each other, he usually will turn on the radio aloud when you get in as both of you have nothing in common to talk about. Or he will start up a conversation on the easiest topic of all – the weather. It always works.
Great act
Preacher who stationed himself under a tree outside the Boroko market last Friday noon never missed a beat when he stretched out his hand to grab the K20 note one of his audience offered. He then called time-out, strummed his guitar and sang what sounded like a gospel song, as the donor was leaving.
Ups and downs
You cannot just give up. Both you and your partner need to work on your marriage to make it work.
Admit mistake
From a reader: Once you have accepted your mistake, no one can then use it against you.
Food for thought
Life is a small gap between birth and death. So in that gap, try to enjoy life as much as you can, and make others happy too.
Top quote
“You must place the interests of your people and the legitimate workings of the political process above your (political) party. Without these ingredients, elections alone do not make true democracy.” – former US President Barack Obama