Column 1

Column 1

Different Marape
Those attending the University of PNG graduation at the Sir John Guise Stadium may have mistakenly thought that chief guest James Marape was also among the graduates. They look the same but it was his younger brother Warren who walked up to receive his Master in Business Administration degree. (Story tomorrow).
Budget estimates
For some reason, the 2012 national budget estimates have been released a week before its tabling in Parliament. It’s not much different from the Supplementary Budget tabled a few months ago though.
Belt power
Corporal punishment at home and school was commonplace in days gone by which molded the characters of many who are leaders and parents today. Getting your hind-end tanned taught obedience, responsibility, politeness, humility, good manners and honesty. Oh, those good old days.
Fare change
You often see the bus “crew” sitting on loose coins he collects on his seat near the door. You give a K2 note and he immediately lifts his bum to get the change. Yuck.
Food for thought
Some people today can be compared to Bluetooth. If you stay close they get connected. Once you move away they look for a new device.
Top quote
“Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.” World War II British PM late Sir Winston Churchill.

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