Column 1

Column 1

Some yelling
There were some yelling and commotion heard at one of the two political camps after Parliament adjourned yesterday. It certainly did not sound like MPs were wishing each other Happy Xmas. Boorish.
Jolly season
And it is the season to be jolly, folks, not fighting and tearing each other’s hair out. Enough already PNG.
Soothing carols
Christmas carols at Ella Beach this week brought these three MPs together. Puts to rest any speculation on which political camp they are part of.
Vaccine is here
First the United Kingdom, now the USA has begun distributing the Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizers. Hopefully it will be in PNG before we reach the 800th case.
Rest in peace
We are quick to wish our loved ones who have passed away Rest in Peace but we cannot ourselves even live in peace when they were here. Such hypocrites!
Food for thought
Life is a small gap between birth and death. So in this gap, be happy and try to make others happy. Enjoy every moment of life.
Top quote
Respect is the most important element of our personality. It’s like an investment. Whatever we give to others, it is returned to us with profit.

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