Column 1

Column 1

Tough job
As PM Marape is finding out now, it’s really tough to “look after” the interests of all the 111 MPs.
Car damaged
A brand new K160,000 police vehicle just got damaged in Madang. Police want the officer driving it to pay for the damage. On his pay, it’s most unlikely he will survive.
Managing weight
Many are always so obsessed with managing their weight during the festive season, which requires proper planning. One has gone to the extent of removing the batteries from his scale. Cheater!
Big Bro
Only a few days after the Cat 5 Tropical Cyclone Yasa left a trail of destruction in Fiji, Australia arrives in Nadi with a load of relief supplies on a Hercules C301 aircraft. So swift. Thanks Big Bro.
Thought for today
Butterflies cannot see their wings. But the rest of the world can. You are beautiful and while you may not see it, everyone else can.
Top quote
“I will work with the Prime Minister and the Pangu Government because too much political games and instability will destroy the country and because I have worked hard all my adult life to serve the best interest of PNG.” – WHP Governor Paias Wingti

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