Column 1

Column 1

New 50t coin
If you come across a shining new coin with a beautiful butterfly depicted on it, it’s the new 50toea coin. Don’t throw it away. It is legal tender.
Cargo plane
The Japanese media seem to be making fun of the 50-strong contingent from one of the Melanesian nations in the Pacific to the Olympics arriving in Tokyo on a cargo plane transporting canned fish. Well, the island nations are not as rich as the Japanese.
Dead rubber
Its origin is from the card game called rubber bridge where in a three-competition game, a team wins once it scores 100 points or more. If that is done before completing the three competitions, the remaining one is termed as dead rubber.
Record book
It will be a monumental achievement if the NSW Blues make a clean-sweep of the SOO 2021 on Queensland soil. Certainly a contender for the Guinness Book of Records, although Maroons fans will want to disagree.
Card warning
From a reader: Avoid playing cards during this Covid-19 period. Unintentionally, you may lick your thumb to grab a card, after someone else had licked her/his thumb to touch the same card.
Some fan

The message on the doormat implies that you can only come back and knock when the match is over – and more importantly, when the All Blacks have won.
Stop yarning
Colleague has found an effective way to shut up the taxi driver who loves yarning while driving. Just pretend you are playing video on your phone and laugh every now and then.
Thought for today
We fall, we break, we fail. But then we rise, we heal, we overcome!
Quote of the Day
“When people start to question your culture, who have nothing to do with it, it hurts.” – NRL legend Johnathan Thurston

One thought on “Column 1

  • Correction:

    Column 1, Stop yarning or supposed to be “Stop Yawning”? Taxi driver who loves yawning and “Not Yarning.”

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