Column 1

Column 1

International Youth Day
Today is the United Nation’s International Youth Day. The day is celebrated on August 12 each year to recognise efforts of the world’s youth in enhancing global society. It also aims to promote ways to engage them in becoming more actively involved in making positive contributions to their communities.
Provincial day madness
The provincial day celebrations are aimed at celebrating PNG’s cultures. But the East Sepik Day in the nation’s capital on Saturday turned out to be a haven for hooligans, drunks, and petty crime. Women were harassed, bags and mobile phones snatched, and a hockey match within the vicinity had to be called off after a few cowards picked a fight with the hockey players. Can someone step in to put an end to this madness in the nation’s capital?
Climate change
Delegates at the Pacific Islands Forum were welcomed at Funafuti International airport in Tuvalu with children singing a specially composed “Save our Tuvalu, save the world.” The kids were submerged in water depicting a sinking island. Their children of Tuvalu’s message to the world was; “This is what our future will look like.”
Good vocab
A gentleman asked his buddy who is an engineering expert about what he was working on these days. The engineering expert said he was working on “Aqua-thermal treatment of ceramics, aluminum and steel under extreme pressure.” It meant that our engineering friend was washing the dishes with hot water under his wife’s supervision ###
Top quote
“Children are not given much attention in their upbringing, and when they are neglected by their parents, they can easily be abused,” Head Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of PNG Dr Jack Urame.