Column 1

Column 1

Pay week
Taxi driver says he makes more business during the government pay week (this week) than the company pay week (next week) because public servants still enjoy full pay while company workers are facing pay cuts. Simple economics.
No escaping
The scene at the Eight-Mile roundabout in Port Moresby yesterday as road traffic officers check vehicles for their registrations, and drivers’ licences. No escape for law-breakers.
No coverage
One of our television networks mentions in its Facebook page that it will be providing coverage of the Tokyo Olympics. But when you check its channel, a note there says the direct opposite – no Olympics coverage. Mind-boggling.
Food for thought
Everyone makes mistakes in life, but it does not mean they have to pay for them for the rest of their life. Sometimes good people make bad choices. It does not mean they are bad. It just means they are human.
Top quote
The country has lost control of counterfeit products and penalties for offenders are too low. We have counterfeiting of local brands such as toothpaste, beer, soft drinks and tea, plus imported sports brands.” – PNG Manufacturers council chief executive officer Chey Scovell.