Column 1

Column 1

Young crush
Master Five recently complained to his family that the girl he fancies at school slapped him during playtime. He took it on the chin, like a gentleman, and refused to retaliate. Someone in the family said: “That’s marriage life!”
No onions
There are no onions in some supermarkets in Port Moresby of late. There must be a reason consumers have not been told about. Onions are supposed to be grown locally.
Welcome sign
Members of a medical team from China took some Covid-19 vaccines to Madang this week. They were welcomed by this banner at the stage.
Delta variant
If the Delta variant is already spreading under the radar among us, God help this nation. Less than 100,000 of the eight-plus million people (0.01 per cent) have been vaccinated so far! Scary.
Quick loan
Watch out for those work colleagues who ask you for a quick loan to be repaid on pay day next week, then avoid you or take a sickie on pay day.
Special day
Today is World Humanitarian Day, remembering mostly those who carry out humanitarian work in the most dangerous, trying and difficult conditions. We salute them.
Long hours
Taxi driver explains that he needs to chew buai while driving to keep himself awake as he works very long hours, sometimes more than 12 a day. He has to meet his daily quota. Sorry.
Thought for today
Every single one of us has the potential to change someone’s life by just taking the time to listen to them.
Top quote
“I hate it when people confuse education with intelligence. You can have a bachelor’s degree and still be an idiot.” – Elon Musk

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