Column 1

Column 1

Last game
There was loud cheering and clapping inside a popular watering hole in the capital city during the Broncos game on Saturday that one would have thought they had won the NRL 2021 competition. Goodness!
Business end
Now as we reach the business end of the NRL 2021 season, the boys have gone home while the men are left to decide in the next few weeks who is the best of them all.
Too dear
The price you pay for a bottle or pint of the locally- produced amber liquid keeps increasing. Maybe the high cost of importing malt? It unfairly creates a big hole in your pocket quickly.
Too deep
Colleague nearly fell into the big drain running along the island in the middle of the busy Boroko Drive in Port Moresby. The sides are so steep and deep he would have needed people to haul him out of there.
Food for thought
The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. (Mark Twain 1835-1910)
Top quote
“While it’s the Melanesian way to pay compensation, how does an individual learn from his wrongdoing when the community or his families are the ones that continue to meet the burden of paying compensation? The term Melanesian way is so easily thrown around these days without any concept of what that actually means.” – National Court acting judge Justice Laura Wawun-Kuvi.

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