Column 1

Column 1

Deep cut
There is a barber shop in Port Moresby promoting its business with the slogan: “Your first cut is the deepest.” Better keep your phone handy, just in case you have to dial 911.
Used rolls
This is the poster outside a shop in Africa showing how businesses are struggling in a down-sliding economy. Hopefully we in PNG do not reach this gutter-level scenario.
Politics aside
A politician who says “let’s leave politics aside and work together for our nation” is, well, a politician – and a not too smart one at that.
Women issues
So many issues on women and so little done to fix them in this nation. Is there a Government department for women? Does it have a budget? Is it functioning?
Useless tongue
So much talk on fixing family and gender-based violence but little to no action. True, a tongue does not get things done! Action is needed.
Mind boggling
Workmate is scratching his (bald) head. The other day, the company transport arrived more than an hour late to pick him up for work. He complained to the guy in charge of transport. Yesterday, two vehicles turned up to pick him – and both an hour early!
Wasted K5k
After spending nearly K5,000 on PCR tests at a hospital in Port Moresby, friend has just been informed (by the NCC) that the test can be done for free at a government facility in Boroko, Port Moresby. He cannot believe he was not told earlier.
Food for thought
In this world, there is only on caste – the caste of humanity. There is only one religion – the religion of love. There is only one language – the language of the heart.
Top quote
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. – Albert Einstein

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