Concern for commissioners


IT is time for the State to address the welfare of the three commissioners of the Teaching Service Commission.
The three commissioners are appointed by the head of State upon the advice of the National Executive Council (NEC).
The TSC, which was established in the 1970s, currently employs more than 65,000 teachers nationwide.
These teacher range from elementary to colleges.
However, the commissioners’ terms and conditions of employment are well below those others like the Police and the Correctional Institutional Services commissioners.
For instance, looking at the domestic market allowance (DMA), a commissioner in 2012 was paid K1,500 per annum.
Moreover, the State has failed to provide housing for the three commissioners since the 1970s while it provided housing for senior staff from the education secretary to the directors at the PNG Education Institute.
The housing allowance for commissioners is equivalent to K600 a fortnight, which is sufficient to rent a single room with common facilities in the city.
On the contrary, many primary and secondary school teachers in PNG reside in big houses.
It is, therefore, high time for the Government to look into these problems and improve commissioners’ welfare.

Joel, Via email