Consider online exams

Letters, Normal

The National, Monday July 8th, 2013

 THE proposed introducing of online exams in PNG schools is good news as it is considered a remedy to cheating but is it feasible?

The initiator of this programme (Ed: educationist John Kama) launched the pilot programme at Mt Diamond Adventist School in Port Moresby. 

He said the results were incredible.

This statement is a generalisation.  

Is the initiator a local or a foreigner?  

If he is from PNG then he should consider what has to be done prior to introducing such a programme. 

This is because schools in remote areas do not have technological tools and information communication infrastructure. 

While the rest of the world is advancing, students attending remote schools do not know anything about it.

Will the initiator and Education Department provide the necessary tools and IT infrastructure to all the schools in the country?


Iba Sururma

Via email