Cooperative gets K106,000 from export


THE Markham Organic Cocoa and Coffee Producers (MOCCP) cooperative in Morobe received their first export revenue payout of K106,000 from the Netherlands at Sangang near Mutzing station, Morobe, recently.
Former Markham chief executive John Orebut, who is now the Morobe administration special projects manager, told cocoa farmers that to him, all things, including cocoa, were God-given and, therefore, it was fitting and that they returned the favour through tithes and thanksgiving.
“From now onwards, we must realise our mistake and never repeat it with cocoa which also comes from God,” he said.
“We must reconcile with God and pay our tithes so God will replenish us once again into the future).”
Orebut announced Morobe government’s newest Wawin Agricultural Park project which he is spearheading.
According to the provincial government, the food-based project (development of the existing Wawin farm) was expected to generate more than K700 million in revenue turnover.
No details were disclosed at this stage, however, Orebut said the project would begin with commercial chicken farming where its manure would be used to produce an eco-friendly organic fertiliser using lactobacillus bacteria – a probiotic or live microorganism which when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on host (soil for this matter).