Cops not acting against top shots

Letters, Normal

HOW many times have we heard this well-used phrase from the police – “we will get to the bottom of this …” – and nothing actually gets done or it takes a long time for the investigation to be completed?
People are sick and tired of this.
It seems our police are powerless to act against people in high places who steal millions of kina.
However, they see it fit to run around in police vehicles with fan belts, guns and belt our poor defenceless men, women and children on the street who committed a petty offence.
And mind you, they are even going into people’s houses without proper warrants to exercise their brutality in front of other family members, wantoks and neighbours.
How many of these police officers have been brought to justice?
Again, we hear another popular phrase – “we will hold these officers responsible for their actions” – and nothing gets done.
What do we say? Incompetence? Nepotism? Slackness? Poor management?
All of the above, I would say.
Can we be proud of all these?
Politicians and their cronies are stealing and committing serious offences.
Yet, they are getting away with them.
Where is the justice?


Kuia Kange
Mt Hagen