Councillor welcomes allocation of funds


A LOCAL level government councillor has welcomed the announcement by National Planning and Monitoring Minister Sam Basil’s to pay K10,000 into each ward’s account.
Namatanai LLG vice-president Phillip Sebulon said it would assist development and service delivery in wards.
“I have served three terms in the Namatanai LLG as the ward member and I must admit that there were delays which prolonged the implementing of services in wards,” he said.
Basil said all wards would receive direct funding unlike before when funds were deposited into LLG accounts.
“Money will go directly to the ward councillors because they live with the people in their communities,” he said.
“All money spent on projects that are agreed to by the community will be accounted for and receipts will be kept for all members of the community to know where the money was spent and for what purpose.”
Basil urged ward development committees to open bank accounts.

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