Couples tie knot at local parish


SEVEN couples from the Mary Queen of Peace Catholic parish in Lae were wedded on Sunday, which was the first for the four-year-old parish.
The couples had waited from seven to 12 years to have a formal church ceremony and were happy to have their unions blessed by the church.
Parish priest Fr Mark Misiwasi said it was a memorable occasion in the life of the church.
“For the first time, seven couples are gathered to celebrate their partnerships enabling them to receive the graces of the sacrament from the good Lord,” he said.
“It is a blessed moment for you dear friends, many of whom have waited for this day when you are restored to full communion with the church.”
Misiwasi told the couples they were welcome to take part in the rich sacramental life of the church with the assurance of God’s special blessing upon their marriages.
“We are joyful that you have chosen this path,” he said.
“I want to thank everyone who has accompanied you on this journey with their spiritual and pastoral support.”
He said support for couples was important.
Misiwasi quoted a statement from Pope Francis about marriage which said: “The grace of the sacrament of marriage is intended before all else to perfect your couple’s love.
“Always remember that your life together as husband and wife as well as the entire network of relations that you build with your children and the world around you will be steeped in, and strengthened by, the grace of the sacrament.”