Covid-19 cases rising after show


THERE is a Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak in Imbonggu, Southern Highlands, right after the Imbonggu Cultural Show during the Independence Anniversary celebrations at Walum.
Hospitals in nearby Ialibu and Mendi are reporting new cases of Covid-19 and death tolls are increasing.
The influx of new cases and Covid-19-related deaths have suddenly increased straight after Imbonggu show.
The mass gathering brought together many people from multiple backgrounds to an environment with the climate so conducive for the deadly virus to spread.
Quite a contrary for a government amassing so much money – billions of kina – to contain the spread Covid-19 yet sponsoring mass gatherings while knowing too well the consequences.
Hypocrisy, perhaps would be an understatement, would you say?
But kudos to the condom brigade.
Free condoms were said to have been distributed in abundance so that socialisation can get more intimate.
Terrific job, almost everyone had access to the joy pack.
Maybe it is the condom disposed in the nearby kambe that is doing the tricks.
It is like sharing cigarette with your 3-year-old toddler with you telling him that smoking is not good for his health, but yet you share cigarettes with him and gladly puff away.
When you have people in power who defy their own laws, the ramifications and the consequences are far more detrimental.

David Lepi