CPI increase explained


By Lorraine Jimal
An increase in the consumer price index (CPI) for education, transport, restaurant, hotels, clothing and footwear means many people are spending money on those items, according to acting national statistician John Igitoi.
Igitoi said the increase in the CPI was because many consumers were spending money on the same products.
He said the conduct of the consumer price index survey was done quarterly and the results were compared with the previous years.
This year’s results were compared with last year’s quarter which showed a marginal increase in spending for transport, restaurants, hotels, clothing and footwear.
Igitoi said the Covid-19 pandemic had affected his office’s collection of data.
But they would work to get the information.
He said his representatives from his office went to selected outlets in provinces and collected information on goods and services which were in high demanded taking not of brands and quantities.
According to Igitoi, the representatives usually collected all the receipts of the goods in the outlets put together and send it to them.
They then assessed the demand of the consumers from the receipts received.