Dart is a sleeping code

Letters, Normal

THE PNG National Dart Federation is not doing anything for dart lovers in this country.
The recent championship in Popondetta faced countless problems and many centres did not bother to send anyone because of the problems they encountered.
To say poor planning is an understatement.
How can the federation allow a centre to host a championship when it does not have any facilities?
Is it right to stop primary school students from going to school for more than a week because the national championship is held in their classrooms?
Dart boards were borrowed from other associations because the host did not have enough boards.
Till today, hired boards have yet to be paid and I doubt the federation will ever settle the debt.
There was no executive from the federation on the final day because all of them left within the first few days.
Normally an AGM is held after the tournament to elect new executives, report developments, report financial activities, etc.
You call this leadership by example?


Nigel K Kiaka