Departments should work hand-in-hand


AFTER so long Cabinet has finally approved the submission by Higher Education Research Science and Technology (DHERST) Minister Pila Niningi for all post-secondary higher learning institutions to be coordinated by the department.
DHERST was established by the Higher Education General Provision Act, 2014.
This act replaces the Commission of Higher Education and the bygone Office of Higher Education.
For DHERST to coordinate all post-secondary higher learning institutions is another milestone achievement for the ministry and the department.
The onus is now on DHERST to ensure that it provides the creative and courageous leadership that is necessary for the sector at this crucial time.
All associated Government agencies like the Department of Agriculture and  Livestock (agricultural colleges), Department of Health (nursing colleges), Department of Education and others must work in hand with DHERST for the good of the country.

Jay Frankiee Kup
Lemina Manda