Districts soon to have agro-forestry industry

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Vanimo Green and Telefomin districts will soon have major developments in the agro-forestry industry following the signing of a K10 billion (US$3.2 billion) agreement between Vivafounder Investment Holdings (PNG) Ltd and Tangoy Landowner Company last week.
Under the arrangement, Idam-Siawi Agro-Forestry Project Development Agreement will establish integrated agro-forestry development initiatives in the two districts.
The Idam-Siawi Agro-Forestry agreement was signed last Wednesday at Green River Station between the Viva founder Investment Holdings (PNG) Ltd, Tangoy Landowner Company, Tangoy Viva founder Joint Venture Company and 45 Incorporated Land Groups (ILGs).
Tangoy Landowner Company general manager Jeffrey Nomben said three main crops that they planned to grow and process were rice, oil palm and sago.
Nomben said that landowners had spent almost 26 years trying to develop the project, but substantial progress was only achieved since Viva founder came on board in 2015.