Don’t rely on students’ union


I WRITE in support of writer Aye Lae Nagpali on the so-called student association.
The things highlighted by the writer was true and happens at Unitech. In my years of study there, I found out that, there were no proper meetings.
Meeting notices were written using marking pen.
Meetings were held under shade trees or car parking lots.
No agenda were circulated before meetings. Minutes of previous meetings were not documented and discussed at meetings.
No financial reports.
Students were told to pay for membership fees every year, yet, no financial reports were given at the meetings.
Even for orientation for new students, so-called leaders collect monies but did not account for them. Since my time at Unitech, I have never seen a copy of the constitution. So how could we make decisions if there was no law?
Issues raised by Aye Lae Ngapali were real. To the politicians and silent student majority: being a member of Morobe Tertiary Students’ Union (MTSU) MTSU is not a requirement for you getting scholarship from Morobe government.
You get scholarships on your own merit. It is a privilege.

Ambuge Awi