Don’t wait for change to come, act now


A recent leadership summit speech by Isaac Lapuri, the government’s chief secretary, warning governmental heads in the Highlands region to spend wisely and prepare in advance for the months after the 2017 national general elections must not be taken lightly by businesses and individuals.
It has been said and we have seen it but now it’s on us as individuals.
As a matter of fact, prices of goods and services are most likely to increase in the next seven months because situation hasn’t improved and more and people are affected.
Effects of the past and present state of our economy is truly felt far and wide with few examples like PNG Power sideling its HR managers to avoid any pay rise which the government has no money to pay.
Health Secretary keeps on saying one thing about enough drug supplies in the country while doctors on the ground keep saying the opposite with no drugs.
Few school principals have indicated to close their schools because there is no enough funds to keep them going.
Foreign Investment have also dropped significantly since beginning of the year while prospect investors are now keeping a very close observation on the elections results which will determine whether they invest or not.
Many private entrepreneurs providing service to government sectors are also now suffering and cannot pay their bills with many of their staff salaries.
My point is do we really want these things to keep happening and remain after the elections?
If no then make your individual stance count in the polling booth.
Together we can make a change and brace for betterment.
Don’t wait for your political leaders to do it for you on the floor of Parliament because it may never happen.

Gai Mole, Via Email