Dream big, keep going

Wilbur (left) and Orville Wright.

HAVE you travelled by plane?
If not, maybe it’s a dream of yours to one day see the ground from the sky.
The aeroplane was the dream of two high school dropouts, Wilbur and Orville Wright, better known as the Wright brothers.
Their dream of being able to fly was during a time when it was impossible.
People laughed.
Their father, who was a church minister, discouraged them, telling them that they were wasting their time.
Despite so many criticisms, Orville and Wilbur never gave up.
An inspiring fact about them was that, they knew it wasn’t going to be easy.
They knew success was not a day away or even a year away and that failure was part of the process.
And fail they did.
Over and over and over again.
It seemed impossible.
However, no matter how many times their invention crashed, the two brothers were not willing to give up.
They kept on pushing the boundaries.
Every failure was a learning experience.
On top of their failures, critics were laughing at them.
They were seen as idiots trying to put people in the sky.
Despite the criticisms, the brothers kept going.
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and months turned into years.
Still no success.
What’s so amazing about these two brothers is, despite other people’s opinions, they still believed in their dream – to put people in the sky.
The Wright brothers’ first powered flight was conducted in North Carolina, US, on Dec 17, 1903.
On Dec 5, 1905, the brothers successfully flew their invention around the statue of liberty in New York.
Millions of people came to witness.
Today, we are enjoying their brain child.
Well, many of us have dreams.
However, those dreams die in the midst of criticisms.
The Bible says without vision, people perish.
If you want to leave a legacy, never give up on your dreams.
Do whatever it takes to be successful.
In the end, you have only one life to live – either let your dreams die in the midst of criticisms or you rise up above negative opinions of others and make the rest of your life the best of your life.

Glen Burua