Dubu Nation must make info public


DUBU Nation is growing its roots and becoming more popular at an alarming rate in Goroka like its elder brother, Papa Lain.
Some of their representatives are doing tremendous work by talking unsuspected investors, mostly retired employees and grassroots people, into investing huge amounts of money in their illegal scheme.
They’re deceiving them by promises of huge payouts in thousands of kina, building houses and improving living standards.
We, Eastern Highlanders, are fed up of such schemes exploiting our old and some illiterate young people who invest blindly in the hope of becoming rich overnight.
The head of Dubu Nation should make a public statement in the media clarifying whether his scheme is registered with IPA, IRC and specify which bank it has its account.
I sympathise with those who are enticed and deceived to invest their hard earned cash in such questionable and suspicious scheme.

Kotiufa Sniper


  • We New Ireland Province people are also tired now of paying alot of huge amounts of fees and now nothing yet has happened and no proper responses and updates

    • That’s absolutely correct. There’s been talk of payment to members and the dates has since been passed or not honoured from a week before APEC meeting to a number of days/weeks/months after. The latest pay out is set for the 21st September 2020. Tru, tru o?

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