Eivo-Torau locals eye project

National, Normal

The National, Friday 11th November 2011

THE people of Manetai, in the Eivo-Torau constituency, Central Bougainville, are calling on the Autonomous Bougainville Government to immediately fund high impact peace and reconciliation projects in the area.
Eivo-Torau ABG member Melchior Dare said high impact reconciliation ceremonies were needed to create an environment conducive for consultation and negotiations towards reopening the Manetai Limestone project by next year.
He said the ABG,  through its division of peace and reconciliation, “needed to facilitate reconciliation with communities around
the limestone project area”.
“The necessary processes such as land mediation and dispute on the land ownership title have been resolved by the chiefs and now we are calling on ABG to fast-track reconciliation among the surrounding communities of the limestone area,” Dare said.
He said the chiefs of Eivo-Tore had pledged their support towards the reopening of the project and would negotiate
for a better sharing package and a deal with potential joint venture partners.
“It is anticipated that by 2012, the people
of Manetai and ABG would secure a joint venture partnership towards the reopening of the limestone project,” Dare said.
He said the reopening of the Manetai limestone project, which was closed before the Bougainville crisis in the 1980s, would greatly contribute to the region’s economy and improve
the livelihood of Bougainvilleans.