ENB students to learn business skills

National, Normal

The National, Monday 07th November 2011

REALISING the need for students to be informed of real economic and social issues, East New Britain will help schools in the “Know about business” (KAB) programme in the 2012-16 development budgets.
This was approved by the provincial assembly recently.
East New Britain was one of the seven pilot provinces in the country involving the Vunabosco Agro-Secondary, OLSH Secondary, Kokopo Se­-
condary, Warangoi High
School, Kambubu Se­con­dary, Malaguna Technical Secondary, St Mary’s Vuvu Secondary, George Brown High School, Malabunga Secondary, Utmei Secondary and Palmalmal High schools.
Commerce and Industry chairman Tiolam Wawaga said after visits to the schools, it was discovered that the programme in some schools had ceased because of a lack of support from school administrations.
He said the programme had not been integrated with the approved business studies syllabus.
Wawaga said it was now well established but the programme was being poorly implemented in the majority of pilot schools, teachers needed funding, resources and support from school administration were needed to enable
them to teach the KAB curriculum and for principals to ensure that KAB was implemented in their schools.