Enforce death penalty


THERE has been a killing spree going on in this country since the beginning of the New Year.
The latest being the police constable killed in the line of duty at Pogera, Enga.
If the death penalty law has been passed in Parliament then I see no reason why it should not be implemented.
Lives have been taken away without any sense of reasoning and care.
How long must this go on? Our legislators must wake up from their slumber and look at this thorny issue and address it immediately before any more innocent lives are lost?
The government has to show its authority and power that, it is the voice and the duly mandated representative of the 8 million plus inhabitants of this beautiful country.
It must implement the death penalty law now to prevent further killings.
As for now, the alleged murderers in this country think that they can kill and escape from the strong arm of the law.
They serve their terms, parasitising and wasting of taxpayers’ money by being well fed and nourished at state prisons.
After their terms, they walk out free, while the psychological scars of the victims’ families and loved ones will forever be an endless pain for them in their lifetime.
We are talking about law and order issues and justice for all law abiding citizens of this country.
Where is justice?

Danny Kimoi,
Chuave New Block,
Saraga Street

One thought on “Enforce death penalty

  • Yes enforce dead penalty now. People who intend to kill other people don’t care anymore and it’s becoming obvious that the punishment is not enough I believe DEAD PENALTY would be the best solution.

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