An extreme way of dealing with sexual crimes against children


RAPE and incest cases involving children as young as four to 10 years old, are becoming prevalent in a country that is supposed to be Christian.
How can a person rape a four to 10-year-old child as if he was having sexual intercourse with his wife or girlfriend?
If you are an MP, judge, magistrate or policeman and someone rapes your five-year-old daughter, what would you do?
Putting offenders behind bars will never ever solve this problem or any other problems we are facing in our so-called Christian country.
Can I suggest a penalty for rapists of children aged under 10 years?
If the rapist is convicted, he must be taken to the nearest hospital to be castrated or have either his testicles removed or his penis cut off.
His left ear should also be removed as a mark that will help warn people of who he is,
whether he lives in a town, city or village.
This penalty will be an effective deterrent that can help protect young people from sick criminals.
I want to appeal and challenge the new MPs to pass a bill that can deal with rape and incest offenders severely.

Yewa Emo