Fighting corruption


If there is no fairness and equal opportunity in business contracts and representation in public office then we are likely to see corruption and cronynism in our political system.
If this is seen in the current PNC-led Government then it is the responsibility of the elected members of parliament to invoke change through a vote of no confidence so we can end up with a totally new government and fresh Cabinet ministers.
The new people can deal with the heads of public office to make them accountable for the public resources they are managing.
Bad governance, nepotism and cronyism are breeding grounds for corruption and the signs are everywhere. Even the police fraud officials at the highest level have been compromised for not taking action when members of the public complain about Government ministers alleged to be corrupt.
To the current Opposition and general members of parliament, you will serve PNG well if you do something when the 18-month grace period is over.

Observer, Via email NCD