Focus on family-base agriculture models


WRONG take Prime Minister James Marape.
Agriculture should first begin as self-sustaining, self-reliance model for each families.
Each family should first be able to feed themselves first in turn reaching the Government of PNG food policy goals.
This begins with supplying of seeds and animal stocks.
National Agriculture Research Institute (Nari) has certified samples of both.
Government, through the District Services Improvement Programme (DSIP) and National Development Bank, should support family units to grow in farming and animal husbandry until they reach a take-off point.
Only then, PNG can become a self-reliant agriculture oriented nation.
Our surplus can get on jet liner freezer planes for overseas markets as envisaged by Daniel Kombuk and James Marape.
The trend taken over 44 years was large scale commercial agriculture.
It failed miserably. 37 countries bypassed PNG on UN Human Development Index (HDI).
Landowners remain spectators as commercial farms, commercial fishing, commercial logging raged through their land and sea abetted by draconian State laws.
True and real agriculture for poverty alleviation should be designed and implemented at the family unit at.
Government should support this scheme through DSIP, Provincial Services Improvement Programme (PSIP), NDB financing, etc.
See the Domil Model in Jiwaka.
Every family unit has a rabbit farm, pig farm, fish farm, coffee garden, vegetable garden, through which they integrated into cooperatives to fund housing, electricity, water supply, and holding healthy bank accounts.
This is the model to take back PNG.

Cyril Gare, via email

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