Focus on rural areas


IT is a dream for all rural communities around the country to have permanent classrooms, health centres, church buildings, bridges, roads and other infrastructure developments.
But those dreams and wishes are never achieved due to failure and negligence of those in power.
Most times, leaders and Government agencies focus more on receiving praise and honour instead of getting the real work done.
They give away huge amounts of money for already-developed infrastructure in towns and cities instead of focusing on rural areas.
This is a big slap in the face for those in rural areas.
Money and resources should go where they are needed the most.
Why spend money on schools, hospitals and church infrastructures in urban areas that are already in permanent materials?
Think of the bulk of our population out there who are hoping for a change in their communities.
Some of them have spent their lives waiting for change.
Some have passed on while others are still hoping.
I was pleased to read in a daily paper of the donation of K50,000 by the Community Development, Youth and Religion Minister and Jimi MP Wake Goi to an evangelical church in a remote part of Southern Highlands for their church building.
Such donations are worthwhile.
Thank you Goi for helping the rural community.
Other Government ministries should follow his example.

Nim Yekagol,