Focus should be on qualified graduates


ON behalf of the qualified new high school and secondary graduate teachers, I request that the Teaching Service Commissioner, Samson Wanghihomie, get his priorities right by focussing on the more qualified new graduate teachers than spending too much time screening the unqualified new graduates which is a complete waste of time?
Please don’t tell us that your commission has been prioritising and performing verification formalities for almost a year now for these unqualified new graduate teachers and completely forgetting the new, competent and qualified new graduates.
Wanghihomie, this shows just how incompetent your commission is.
Get your priorities right.
Are you deliberately leaving out the qualified new graduate teachers with these delay tactics?
Or are you waiting for heaven
to come down and magnify the consciousness of your priorities
at the Teaching Service Commission?
Stop your non-sense prioritise and get the qualified new graduate teachers on payroll already.

Qualified New Graduate