Follow Kidu’s example

Letters, Normal

The National, Thursday 5th January 2012

I would like to commend Moresby South MP Dame Carol Kidu for taking a bold stand in moving into the left side of parliament, the opposition bench.
She has demonstrated that our people’s agenda is more important than self-interest.
MPs are elected by the people to represent them in parliament.
Attending parliament when it is in session is more important than lobbying for power outside it.
As our parliamentary democracy is where the majority rules, the issue on the legitimacy of government has been put to rest through the election of Peter O’Neill as prime minister.
As such, Sir Michael Somare and his deputy Anderson Agiru should lead their so-called ministers to the left side of parliament.
They should start leading a vibrant opposition using their vast experience as former prime minister and ministers for the betterment of our country.
Stop wasting the people’s time and money by hanging around in Port Moresby hotels and live in a dream world but face the reality as Dame Carol has done.

Wagu West