Follow processes to access funds, public servants told

National, Normal

The National, Friday 7th June 2013

 PUBLIC servants in Enga have been reminded to follow proper procedures in using public funds to provide services for people.

They attended a two-day workshop in the Lagaip-Porgera district this week organised by the Department of Rural Implementation and Policy.

It focused on guidelines on the use of funds in the district services improvement programme, provincial services improvement programme and LLG services improvement programme. 

The participants included those from the Ombudsman Commission, Office of Auditor-General, Department of Finance PNG Vision 2050 office, provincial and district administrators, provincial treasurers and LLG representatives.

Joseph Sukwianomb, a senior officer with the PNG Vision 2050 office in Port Moresby, said participants now had a better idea of what was required of them.

“The participants were made aware of the directives and guidelines, how they could make use of the funds, how and where the funds will be allocated for services which people will benefit from,” he said.

“The onus is now on the public servants and political leaders to work together because the money belongs to the people and should be used for their wellbeing.”

Enga’s provincial administrator Dr Samson Amean said: “It would be proper for us to have a midterm review of the progress of the workshop implementation work carried out in the country sooner.”