Former Bugandi students promoting unity


A TEAM of former Bugandi Secondary School students participating in Lae’s Wawens Cup are aiming to promote unity, says captain Billy Namuesh.
He said school fights had been on the rise since the early 2000s even though schools in the city had taken measures to help address the issue.
“The reason Bugandi is competing in the sixth Wawens Cup is to help Lae students unite to concentrate on their education instead of harbouring differences among themselves,” Namuesh said.
“As young people from different regions, villages and clans, we want to show unity.
“We are former Bugandi players who joined the school team between 2001 and 2003.
“The team now taking part is an outside organisation and not from the school, with people of different professions coming together to share the message of unity among Lae residents.”
He said the team’s involvement in the tournament was to demonstrate that through sports, people could do away with fights.
“The idea that drives the team is not about winning but playing to show the public how united we are,” Namuesh said.
“We are former Bugandi students from different years and groups but we’ve come together to share the message of unity.
“Schools and governments have different approach in tackling issues surrounding school fights.
“But we have come in to do something as looking back, Bugandi was a cause of school fights in the city.
“We were hurt to see students from other schools being affected and their education disrupted so we are here to show that unity among Bugandi and the residents of Lae.”