Formula decodes biblical enigma


It’s now possible to calculate your age in time and light-time (eternity).

One thousand years & oneday are the same
Psalms 90:3-6: “You tell us to return to what we were; you change us back to dust. A thousand years to you are like one day; they are like yesterday, already gone, like a short hour in the night. You carry us away like a flood; we last no longer than a dream. We are like weeds that sprout in the morning, that grow and burst into bloom, then dry up and die in the evening.”
2 Peter 3:8: “But do not forget one thing, my dear friends! There is no difference in the Lord’s sight between one day and a thousand years; to him the two are the same.”

Time & light-time
Time in this case refers to time as we know on earth. This includes days, nights, seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, years and so on.
Light-time in this case refers to a perpetual day without night(s). In heaven the light-time continues on forever as there is no night. If earth were to have a light-time, one day would stretch from creation to the final judgment without a single night.
This physical universe in which we exist is governed by time whereas heaven is governed by light-time. In heaven you have one day which stretches throughout eternity (Revelation 21:25). You will have the sense of past, present and future but it all happens in that one light-time (day without nights) that continues on forever.
Time moves much faster than light-time. For instance, it takes 1000 time years to arrive at 1 light-time day (24 light-time hours).

The formula
By God’s grace and revelation, I have been able to decode the enigma presents in the above scriptures in respect of time by way of a mathematical formula. With the formula, it is now possible to calculate time and light-time. It is also possible to calculate your age in both time and light-time. I do not seek to sing praises to myself but my formula is intriguing; it will tell you precisely how old you are in terms of light-time. The formula is as follows:
‘L’ stands for Light-time and represents one’s light-time age. ‘T’ stands for Time and represents one’s time age. Twenty-four (24) represents 24 light-time hours or one (1) light-time day. One thousand (1000) represents 1000 time years. And sixty (60) represents 60 light-time minutes.

To God
To God, there is no difference between 1000 years and 1 day (24 hours). Both are the same as per the above scriptures. However, to man, 1000 years is totally different from one day (24 hours). A thousand years has 365, 000 days in total, excluding leave days. Minus one day and you have a difference of 364, 000 days. So there is a stark difference between 1000 years and 1 day so far as man is concerned. But this is not the case with God. To God both are the same. Hence, the possible conclusion is that God must be referring to two different time systems.
Since God is omnipresent, he is present in this universe and in heaven at the same time. So he sees and experiences both time and light-time simultaneously. With this kind of unique experience he confidently states, “One thousand years and 1 day are the same.” Therefore, this is what it simply means; 1 light-time day (24 light-time hours) is equivalent 1000 time years. Or 1000 time years is equivalent to 24 light-time hours. Or in other words it means 24 hours experience in heaven is the same as 1000 years’ experience here on earth.

Your age in time & light-time
If, to God 1000 years (Time) is equivalent to 24 hours (Light-time), then what is Wambul’s age in light-time if he is 20 years old (in Time). Ok, we will use the formula above to work out his age in light-time. Let’s go:
Therefore, to God Wambul who is 20 years old in Time is only 28.8 minutes old in Light-Time (or Eternity Time).
You too can calculate your own light-time age (eternity age) using the above formula.

Death and resurrectionof Jesus Christ
A little over 2000 years have passed since the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. So far as time is concerned, 2000 plus years is a very long time. But as far as light-time is concerned, it is only 48 hours or two days experience. Therefore, in heaven the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is very fresh. Even Jesus’ scars are fresh and healing still.
Jesus spent three days in the grave. On the early morning of the third day he rose from the dead. Believe it or not 21st Century is the early morning of the third day in light-time. Two thousand years have gone and now we are at the beginning of the third millennium (in time) or morning of third day (in light-time).
Using the above formula I can also workout when in time will be 3am of the 3rd day in light-time. However, I do not want to do that. I also would like to go on record to say that no one must use my formula to try to do the same or predict Christ’s return.
The hour, minute and year of Christ’s return is a highly classified secret and only God knows it.
He expressly forbade us not to attempt to predict the timing of Christ’s return. Therefore, I strongly warn against any attempt to predict Jesus’ return using my formula or exposition of time and light-time herein.

Life is very short. In God’s eyes we are but minutes or seconds old. We have no hope; we have no choice. All we can do is to believe in Jesus Christ and attain eternal life and live forever. God’s highest and utmost recommendation is John 3:16.
He wants all of us to attain eternal life through Jesus Christ his son. If we can just humble ourselves, confess our sins and accept God’s offer of eternal life through Christ.
Now that you are alive, decide for yourself where you would like to spend your eternity……Eternity, eternity, eternity, eternity,…….!

  • The writer is a prolific writer and jurist