Four-day partnership forum for churches

National, Normal

MORE than 50 representatives from the PNG church partnership programme in PNG and Australia are participating in a four-day forum in Lae to discuss planning, evaluation and implementation of projects.
The partnership programme is funded by AusAID and consists of the seven main line churches: Catholic, Lutheran, Salvation Army, Seventh-Day Adventist, Anglican, Baptist Union and United.
The forum is the second for this year and began on Tuesday at the Melanesian Hotel and will end tomorrow.
It is hosted by the Evangelical Lutheran church of PNG in partnership with the CPP secretariat – both of whom are based at Ampo, Lae.
The objectives of the forum are for the churches to build understanding of planning, monitoring and evaluating project concepts and applications.
The second objective was to explore the alignment of their processes and look at development of core tools to implement their programmes.