Our future depends on our decisions now


OUR nation today is faced with problems that appear insurmountable because of leadership crisis.
This crisis stems first from lack of positive, dynamic, artistic, visionary and servant leadership.
It is time that we must wake up from slumber of ignorance.
Don’t let the kina sign blind
our eyes and corrupt our state of mind.
Our nation is imbalance and ill.
It time that to critically analyse our current situation for our future.
We need leadership but we don’t need leaders with political science degrees but leaders who have the heart for the people.
We don’t need politicians who invest overseas and send their children overseas for education and employment.
It is time that we need visionary servant leadership.
We need someone who can walk among us, eat what we eat, feel the pain that we felt and experience everything that we’ve gone through.
We need someone who has an inspiring vision and can get others to buy into it, someone who can plan from obscurity to excellence and cure our society.
We need someone who can boost accountability and transparency process for all citizens to participate and benefit equally.
It’s time to make the right choice and decisions, which will determine our future.

Christopher Jr Kalala, Via email