Gas deals signed this year vital, says Fleming


Bank South Pacific chief executive officer Robin Fleming says gas agreements signed this year are important as they are key underpinnings of finance and economic security for years to come.
Fleming said some of those projects were huge.
“Some of those are very substantial projects and Papua New Guinea has to consider how to rebalance its expectations,” he said.
“Not just at the government level but at all the other levels on how we can rebalance those expectations to give regard to an economic environment that won’t necessarily be supportive by some headline gas projects.”
Fleming told the bank’s media function in Port Moresby last Friday that one of the benefits of being with the bank was getting to experience and feel “what happens directly in the country”.
“In every one of our board meetings, we get to go to as many provinces as possible, to hear, feel and see what our customers experience and what PNG experiences.”
Meanwhile, he noted that this year was a challenging one with the change in Government.
People witnessed how social media had influenced people more directly.
“It had a lot of impacts not just on how governments have been formed or how relationships have been built and how the practice of government continues to operate but equally, the mainstream media did not let social media direct and form your views,” he said.
“You (mainstream media) were able to use the power of social media to get across what is the real basics of journalism: which is to check and validate facts.”