GE22 definitely a failed election


I AM convinced the General Election 2022 (GE22) is, by far, the worst in PNG’s history with the related death toll at over 35.
There are pictures circulating that depict boys as young as 12 voting.
There are also people seen on the road side marking the ballot papers as if they are marking bingo cards.
In another picture released by the media, a woman deferred her surgery to have the opportunity to exercise her democratic right to vote.
That epitomises the spirit of our constitutional rights embodied in our constitution.
Sadly, there are far more heart-rending stories about how the GE22 has affected many lives.
Also pictured in the media a few days ago is a woman in East Sepik in tears.
She was robbed of the opportunity to vote as her name was not on the common roll.
She had been on the roll in the past GEs so where did the presently used common roll originate from?
The loss of a single life in election related violence raises serious doubts in the election process.
Losing more than 35 lives is a disaster.
For this very reason, the GE22 can be declared a failed election.
That decision to make that declaration is vested in the Governor-General.
I wish to end by applauding the peaceful elections in the Southern Highlands thus far.

Pole Hali
Erave, SHP