Get rid of lazy civil servants


AS a country still struggling with economic and financial crises, there are people who are currently relaxing comfortably on golden plates, doing nothing and yet getting paid.
These are the crooked public servants who go on to work late and finish work early, take unnecessary breaks or holidays and misuse public vehicles and properties for their personal use.
It is a total waste of the country’s money!
There is no superior to fear because that superior is their immediate family member, relative or someone other who appoints them for their personal gain.
Seriously, this system has been thriving in our Government and public system for decades.
It is one of the major causes of corruption in the country but yet our leaders and public servants seem to ignore and just accept it as part of our culture or system!
Comparing civil servants with the private working classes, the latter are more disciplined and punctual than those lazy government or public office workers.
Simply because they earn their spot through hard work and sacrifice.
In other words, they are appointed by merit and not by any form of systematic corruption!
I urge our good leaders that if they are serious about taking back Papua New Guinea, they should start filtering all government and public offices, scanning thoroughly from the highest position to the lowest to ensure that all civil servants are qualified and appointed by merit.
Any unqualified bloodline, relatives or voters of any members of parliament or chief executive officers occupying any office should be sacked on the spot because this system of corruption has been causing crime rates and other illegal activities in the country to rise because of unemployment.
Indeed these lazy unqualified workers are occupying the office for free and wasting Government’s money in which some other hard working graduates who deserve to be in that position are roaming the streets jobless. It is so sick and unfair!

Gobontas ‘601’

One thought on “Get rid of lazy civil servants

  • I agree 100%, civil servants do NOT need to perform, they just ‘collect’ money from the tax payers ‘pot’. The government tv stations produce boring dull shows because they don’t need to ‘find’ advertising revenue, same for government judges and prosecutors, useless money grabbing spongers’ who give light sentences to hard criminals and ‘give’ little justice to the victim, yes….. jelly-bally judges……

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