Give the best to the students


THE Government is urging teacher’s nationwide to perform and give the best to the students.
The government makes policies and introduces one curriculum after another at the same time telling teachers to perform or else they leave.
Teachers have been working under tremendous pressure without having proper recognition from the Education department, Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and other relevant authorities.
Very easy for the government to make policies but failed to consider teachers plight, especially their welfare in terms of proper salary, accommodation, annual leave fare. No proper teachers’ appraisal have been done by school inspectors.
The government and TSC knows very well that teachers are the lowest paid public servants in the country. What is due for the teachers should be paid to them
Teachers spend a lot of time preparing lessons, tests, assignments, planning and programmes.
Do not put more pressure on teachers to do everything the way you think.
Respect and treat them as very important and implementers of government policies.
Let us support teachers and call on the government to compensate and motivate them to work hard in educate our children.
Otherwise, SBC curriculum will be another fail curriculum just like the OBE.

Dikakane Yalton
Mt Hagen