Gordon bus stop, a haven for thugs


GORDON bus stop in Port Moresby is no longer safe, especially the bus stops where route 7 (Waigani and Gerehu) and the route where Wildlife and Erima buses park.
I am the regular commuter who resides at the Wildlife settlement in Port Moresby.
Gordon is the central location where I transit.
And, at most times, when I get to Gordon bus stop, fear automatically strikes me.
I am worried whether I would be injured or might lose valuable items to opportunists.
These thugs that hang around the areas are a group of boys from the settlements.
They come from families who cannot survive in the city.
They usually go around in groups group and snatch valuable items from people.
It’s almost as if they target a specific group of people.
And, at most times, these rascals cause grievous bodily harm to people, especially when they refuse to surrender their valuables.
I appeal to National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop, Moresby North East MP John Kaupa and other relevant authorities to please look into this issue and provide a safe avenue for the public to move around freely without having to look over their shoulders every time.
Such incidents usually occur during the early hours (6am – 9am) and evening (3pm – 7pm).
My advice to the public: do not go alone to Gordon, go with someone or a group so you don’t easily fall victim to these thugs.
