Governor announces K1mil allocation for women’s group

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A SUM of K1 million will be allocated to boost the work of a women’s group in Morobe, with an emphasis on empowering all the districts to be self-reliant and self-sufficient.
The announcement was made by Morobe Governor Ginson Saonu during the Women’s Federation for World Peace Inc financial literacy training recently.
Saonu said the money would be appropriated in the 2021 Morobe budget for women in all nine districts to use to strengthen their households and contribute to growth in their communities.
“The programme for the Morobe chapter of the Women’s Federation will now be expanded to all mothers in the province to be able to do something worthwhile to manage their families better than before,” he said.
“The Morobe government will be taking the initiative to provide prizes for those women who repay their interest free micro-loans from the federation’s Pasifika micro credit scheme on time.”


  • That’s a good call and Hon. Governor Saonu. Unfortunately, there has been many funds allocated to Morobe Women’s Federation in the past years BUT none of these funds have supported the mothers in the village or even in Settlements in and around Lae City.
    At one stage when Loujaya was the Honourable Member for Lae she donated some money to the respected Lae Urban Wards for all women. All women in ward 1 were called for a meeting in which we attended @ Ward 1 Council Office @ Bundi Camp, paid K10 for ID Cards and K50 for registration. We were told to get loans to start small projects once we get our IDs. HOWEVER, up to this date nothing good has happen.
    There funds are meant for those BIG SHOT MAMAS who have NAMES and already have their small businesses operating. Ol bai kam giamanim ol turangu Mama lo ol sweet talk na ol yet bai putim money go lo own basket blo ol. too much MAUS MERI.

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