Govt, authorities need to wake up


THE latest criticism of the handling of security in the country came from an influential and populace citizen who lashed at the Marape-led government for its failure to tackle the worsening security situation and incessant killings in Enga and elsewhere around the country.
It is embarrassing that the Government is idly watching the terror unfold.
This is the characteristics of a leader that they have boasted about have run out of steam.
For the past two weeks, there has been tension over threats of protest in the province.
People have been observing the security challenge that has engulfed Kompiam-Ambum and Laigaip- Porgera.
People said Enga is drenched in blood and lately, it has turned into an human abattoir.
They say public infrastructure has been destroyed and that there’s a spike in crime.
This has all been followed by government and responsible authorities decrying the deteriorating state of affairs in the country.
Excessive measures were not imposed to restore any type of normalcy.
Electoral Commission and Police Department incited the course of a failed election and which compromised the entire process.
This is believed to be strategic corruption.
The Government and responsible authorities are to be blamed for the killings and displacement of thousands and destruction of millions of Kina worth of public facilities.
Corruption – stealing ballot boxes, buying votes, bribing election officials and security personnel – and an increase of ill practices during the election period have not reported.
But the horror of these killings, and the frequency in which they occur, has.
And behind this chaos in the state of affairs is the Marape-led government.
So far, the Government failed to address many more official corruptions within the its circle in their last three years in office.
Citizens and the international community noted that our country is poorly managed – life has lost its value.
The Electoral Commission and police were suspected of bribery and our governing body watched idly without condemning the problems they have instigated.
Apparently, these law and order issues are surging under this present administration due to the absence of political will to combat corruption. People will support those who come with the initiative to procure arms because residents need to complement the efforts of security agencies.
Marape even tried increasing the number of our security personnel but it’s still inadequate.
You can do the math yourself (how many police officer/soldiers do we have?).
It will still not be enough.
So, if we fold our arms and decide to do nothing, we’ll be the ones to suffer most.
These are indeed trying times for the nation and for the Marape-led government, this is a time for deep reflection, given the groundswell of opposition against the administration, especially over worsening security issues in the country.
It has gotten so bad that there have been reports of intermittent cases of killing in PNG. In the last two weeks, in the Enga alone according to police report, dozens of people were killed and many more were badly injured.
It is frustrating, sad and disappointing to realise these people lost their lives all because someone wants power.
As a nation, we are at the crossroads.
If we don’t face our issues and tackle them head on, we are in for a far more dire future – one of uncontrolled lawlessness, violence, misery, anger, poverty and pain.
The apprehension of law breakers is crucial in the government’s efforts to end the reign of terror experience in Enga and the entire country these days.
As it is now, the country is morphing into an ungovernable state.

Nelson Wandi (yuu-yan)