Govt to fund operations in Alotau


PRIME Minister James Marape says funding of operations in Alotau will be supported by the Government.
However, he said the Cabinet had not received any submission from police in relation to the operations.
“I have asked Police Minister William Onglo and Commissioner David Manning to work on a submission not only for Alotau but for policing resources around the country,” he told The National.
Marape said while no submissions had been made, the Government was putting together funds to ensure operations, not only in Alotau, but other parts of the country.
“When I returned from Porgera, police who were out in the operations fields raised concern on their allowances,” he said.
“We have given commitment to those who are being addressed.”
Marape said most police operations were unplanned and had crept in to put stress on the budget.
“That doesn’t mean we will not support what is happening in Alotau,” he said. “In the meantime, we are working on mediation.”
Marape said there were other issues at PNG’s land borders, including Hela and Western, that would be seeing officers sent over.
“For now I have asked the minister and commissioner to ensure there is a funding submission.”


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