Group wants more for Kutubu


A SHAREHOLDER company in the Petroleum Resource Kutubu (PRK) group wants to see more made available to locals in Kutubu, Southern Highlands.
Foe Association Incorporated (FAI) chairman Johnny Yawari said they had been using their share of royalties from the oil and gas projects in the Petroleum Development License Area 2 (PDL 2) to invest in infrastructure.
“We developed a 15-year development plan to bring services to the people of Foe,” he said.
The association paid 10 per cent of the PRK shares.
They invested the money in health and infrastructure which are crucial to the people.
“We managed to build two schools – Gesege Primary School and Kei Point Community Primary School to ensure children in the area have access to education,” he said.
Yawari said parents no longer had to worry about how their children travelled to school.
They also plan to buy a new ambulance for the Inu health centre plus four boats to ferry people living around Lake Kutubu to access health services.
“We have other projects incorporated in the development plan,” Yawari said. “But what’s important is to ensure we invest in the health and education.”
Yawari said with the support of the Mineral Resources Development Company which managed PRK, they had seen lot of development happening through the association.