Guard your job


UNEMPLOYMENT is and will continue to be a big problem globally.
The impact is widespread.
It affects individuals, families, communities and countries.
It is a complicated issue and there is no straight forward answer to the problem.
Every year students are graduating and adding to the statistic of the jobless.
People are hungry for jobs and some are willing to sacrifice their degrees for low paying jobs just to survive.
It baffles me when I see some of the employed taking their privilege for granted, both in the public and private sectors.
They may have their reasons, such as high cost of living, but they should understand that there are many on the streets who are dying to have their jobs, at their current pay rate.
There are better ways to support yourselves such as spending within your means and engaging in other informal income generating activities, while looking for other better opportunities.
Without a good reference, it will be even more difficult to find another job.
Always think about the likely future consequences of your decisions on yourself, your family, community and the country.
Always guard your job because it is your bread and butter.
