Improve our police force


LAW and order issues are on the rise and it seems we’ve exhausted our options to curb the rise.
We have churches, non-government organisations, donor agencies and international friends trying to help us address this issue.
Their support is only limited to their scope of work.
While some areas have seen improvement, others are still suffering from the negative effects of crime.
The problem is a result of poor parenting, failure of the State to address poverty and a decline in maintaining decency.
However, we must understand that just as the social problems took years to fester and become open sores, social interventions take a long time to work.
Our law enforcers should ensure their presence is felt in areas that have frequent law and order problems.
Maintaining peace and harmony in our towns and cities is not an easy task.
But it could be achieved through collective efforts from individuals, institutions, business houses, police and our leaders.
PNG does not want just another police force.
We want a police force that is effective, accountable, well-trained and properly disciplined.
Various programmes launched by the police and the line agencies to curb law and order are there but what good is a grand plan without funding?
It is time we adequately fund and improve our police force.

Paulias Cameron

One thought on “Improve our police force

  • How can we help to improve our Police force when they themselves are their worst enemy.
    They cant’ even follow a simple order to look after infrastructures and equipment’s supplied to them by our friendly Foreign gov’ts, National Gov’t, Provincial members and business houses to help make it easy to police the community. There is no ownership and accountability displayed by the members. That is why people loose faith in the police force.

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